2013 Upper Section Re-Do Continued

Spring has sprung even if it was a bit chilly off and on, so outside work has begun. Highest priority has been to get mulch. both large wood chips to give some padding, and now two (!) dumptrucks of playground, kid safe mulch. We've put it around the whole yard also instead of pine straw this year. Once we finish a few other projects, like pressure washing and staining the deck, we'll get back to finishing the playground. In the meantime, the kids can play out here, and we are making it safer. Rails will probably be the first thing to go in.

 Big Tower      Big Tower

It's now mid-August, and rails were the first things completed. The gate is the old arbor gate, just cut down and re-worked to fit this space. Other work we started up here included pressure washing and staining the playground (what is complete) and walls. We didn't get all of it complete the weekend we stained, and since then, other work has taken priority, or it has rained a day or two beforehand, been raining that weekend, or high probability of rain within a day.

In July, Mr. Man started finishing posts for the sentinel tower, then rain came, the kids' birthdays came, and we all got sick. Oh yeah, did I mention the sinkhole that was discovered near the swings and under the big tower? That had to be fixed before we could get back to construction. Mr. Man collapsed what he could after we dug out all the mulch we could move, then we added rocks (and more rocks, and more rocks) before covering with the mulch. We'll have to get more playground mulch to cover, so it's only got 6 inches now instead of 12. The pictures of how deep it was under the big tower don't do it justice, so I didn't include them. Lots of rocks were added there, in addition to fixing the crushed drainage pipe and making sure it's a the correct angle so water drains down instead of sitting there (hopefully fewer mosquitoes now!).

 Big Sinkhole      Big Sinkhole with rocks in it

 Big Sinkhole now

Over the past few weeks, Mr. Man has finished the posts (or as high as he can get right now), completed ledger boards, skirt, trim, and decking on sentinel tower, and got a good bit of ledger boards completed on the alpine tower. Just last night, decking was put on the sentinel tower, the slide was installed, and the rope ladder is up. The kids are so excited and love climbing it (though it was a bit tricky at first for them). The far left side will have a chain bridge eventually, and we're looking into a fireman's pole for the spot to the right of the slide. This is also the tower where my zipline will go. The back right and far right side will have railings added in the future. Hopefully we'll continue to make progress this week on the alpine tower, but rain is forecasted for the next week, so that makes it much more challenging!

Sentinel Tower

September brought a flurry of activity. There were a few days off due to weather, but most weekends were spent working. The alpine tower ledger boards, skirt, and trim pieces were completed. Some were more difficult than others with the angles, plus trying to straighten the posts. Decking didn't take too long (though we do still need to finish screwing all the boards down). We ran short on screws, so work during one week was limited until the order was received (so glad for the internet and being able to order things online, easily!). We got the alpine slide up, and the kids love it! A. loves how fast it goes. The girls have figured out they go faster in pants than shorts. In order for them to get into the tower, Mr. Man left his ladder there, but they could only climb when an adult was there as no sides were on the structure.

After the new screws were delivered, along with the bolts, we got to build a bridge from spiral tower to alpine tower. It included posts, decking, railings, and styles before the kids were allowed to go across it. There's currently a small ladder for them to climb up from the spiral tower until we build the ladder there. We also worked on starting to get railings on the alpine tower so I didn't feel so anxious when the kids went up there.

 Big Tower      Big Tower

 Big Tower      Big Tower

The next week was spent prepping to do the chain bridge- 4x4's needed measured, cut, and holes drilled in them. Mr. Man then attached some bolts and chain, and we strung the 4x4s. Then it got too dark for us to continue and attach the bolts on the other side. Fortunately, we were able to continue that the next night. Then the railings were put up there, and the weekend was spent putting railings and styles on the chain bridge, lower section of the alpine tower, and the upper deck of the alpine tower. That included figuing out how much height the kids needed above the slide, cargo net area, and rock wall area in order for them to be able to safely get through but not have so much open that I was in fear of someone falling all the time. Mr. Man also suggested a couple boards under the chain bridge as a precaution in case the chain ever fails, and as a way not to waste the space (and give the boy something he can hang from, monkey bars were added. Mr. Man also built the wall for the rock climbing and attached it to the tower (involved some thinking and considering how to do a few things).

 Chain Bridge      Chain Bridge

 Chain Bridge      Chain Bridge

 Chain Bridge      Chain Bridge

The last weekend in September finished most of the work- railings and styles on sentinel tower, rope to climb, rock wall rocks put in, and cargo net added, plus lots of playing and testing time! Oh yeah, a little ladder had to be added for P. to be able to reach the monkey bars 'cause she's short. All that's left for this year is a couple steps and ladder, plus cleaning up the tools.

 Playground      Playground

 Playground      Playground

What will next year bring? Staining! (and pressure washing), a fireman's pole, zipline, and monkey bars/ hanging bars for the three monkeys. See what work we got done here.